Couple Massage
There are a number of physical effects associated with massage therapy from which you and your loved one can benefit during your session. The reports said that scientific research supports the connection between massage therapy and short recovery periods for a variety of medical conditions. Among the conditions that may be eased due to massage therapy are muscular-skeletal disorders, fibrillation, insomnia, asthma, arthritis and depression. Massage therapy has also been shown to reduce stress and strengthen the immune system.
Thai Massage
Thai massage is a unique style of massage. Unlike western style massage, Thai massage is performed on the floor using a mat and the patient is fully clothed. This massage style actually combines some of massage types like acupressure, massage and yoga to create a holistic massage experience. This massage is called as unique since it’s not only performed physically but also involving emotional and mental exercise. Unlike other types of massage where the receiver is passive, in Thai massage patient is actually becomes an active participant and the massager also get benefits from stretching.
Combo Massage
A Combination Massage is a massage integrating more than one style or massage modality. It can combine techniques from swedish massage, deep tissue massage, reflexology, trigger point therapy and hot stone. These combinations are used to tailor the massage towards your personal preferences and specific needs.
Body Scrub
A body scrub is a popular body treatment that is basically a facial for the body: It exfoliates and hydrates your skin, leaving it smooth and soft. A body scrub is done with an abrasive material—usually sea salt or sugar—mixed with some kind of massage oil and an aromatic like essential oils. If the scrub uses salt, it might be called a salt scrub, salt glow, or sea salt scrub. The scrub is followed by an application of high-quality lotion or cream that leaves your skin hydrated.